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  • in reply to: Word Association Game… #1108609


      in reply to: Paul Mcartney. #1218983

        if everyone was vegetarian.. (and i’m not knocking it… its just not for me)… would the excess of animals take over the planet….would they start eating us???????

        (mr swedish is getting the bbq ready for tonights dinner!!!!!ah… the true way to my heart….)

        in reply to: Paul Mcartney. #1161118

          if everyone was vegetarian.. (and i’m not knocking it… its just not for me)… would the excess of animals take over the planet….would they start eating us???????

          (mr swedish is getting the bbq ready for tonights dinner!!!!!ah… the true way to my heart….)

          in reply to: stressful jobs #1218955

            or same type of work but different workplace? What are the agencies like where you live? Put out the feelers and see whats about?

            edited bc of shitty spelling hehe

            in reply to: stressful jobs #1161089

              or same type of work but different workplace? What are the agencies like where you live? Put out the feelers and see whats about?

              edited bc of shitty spelling hehe

              in reply to: so all fun and games aside … #1218918

                ummmm i didnt mean it llike that…. really…..
                (insert a blushing smiley here please……)


                in reply to: so all fun and games aside … #1161053

                  ummmm i didnt mean it llike that…. really…..
                  (insert a blushing smiley here please……)


                  in reply to: stressful jobs #1218954

                    Are you friendly with someone who is a bit higher up to talk about how much you love your job BUT you are finding it stressful and why?

                    I know what its like to be stressed… eventually you will get sick and its hard to feel motivated. When you put everything you have into something it sucks when you feel your being run into the ground…

                    Is there a reason WHY they havent hired anyone even temporary to help pick up the slack? The further a team of people working together get stressed and demoralised the quicker everything seems to become harder and disintergrate…

                    If you love what you do.. stick with it, especially if its only a temporary thing.. but we all know managers, bosses (ok not all) will take the piss regarding work hours and get something for nothing if they can…

                    definately sound out how your feeling with someone.. HR? Supervisor?

                    Good luck!

                    in reply to: stressful jobs #1161088

                      Are you friendly with someone who is a bit higher up to talk about how much you love your job BUT you are finding it stressful and why?

                      I know what its like to be stressed… eventually you will get sick and its hard to feel motivated. When you put everything you have into something it sucks when you feel your being run into the ground…

                      Is there a reason WHY they havent hired anyone even temporary to help pick up the slack? The further a team of people working together get stressed and demoralised the quicker everything seems to become harder and disintergrate…

                      If you love what you do.. stick with it, especially if its only a temporary thing.. but we all know managers, bosses (ok not all) will take the piss regarding work hours and get something for nothing if they can…

                      definately sound out how your feeling with someone.. HR? Supervisor?

                      Good luck!

                      in reply to: so all fun and games aside … #1218917

                        Get hold of a reporter from somewhere like the sun or daily mail… they love those types of stories…

                        Take heaps of pics. You could have grounds to take it further since you were not in the wrong…

                        (you werent fucked at the time though right?)

                        in reply to: so all fun and games aside … #1161052

                          Get hold of a reporter from somewhere like the sun or daily mail… they love those types of stories…

                          Take heaps of pics. You could have grounds to take it further since you were not in the wrong…

                          (you werent fucked at the time though right?)

                          in reply to: Air Duster…. #1218795
                            MrAHC wrote:
                            when i caught fire the burns unit i went to was feckin a! though the hospital was part funded by the mod…

                            when you caught fire??????????????????????????

                            this is a story i have to hear??? were you ok????? what the hell happened?

                            in reply to: Air Duster…. #1160929
                              MrAHC wrote:
                              when i caught fire the burns unit i went to was feckin a! though the hospital was part funded by the mod…

                              when you caught fire??????????????????????????

                              this is a story i have to hear??? were you ok????? what the hell happened?


                                Yep its true … i was on the island Ko Samui and the police were randomly searching groups of backpackers sitting on the beach…(The bars open out to the beach….) I had a bag full of mushrooms and very quiety left to go back to my bungalow leaving my partner who was up dancing about, he managed to figure it out where I had gone…I was absolutly kacking it.

                                They were full on searching too… bags pockets, lifting up towels, emptying shoes….


                                  Yep its true … i was on the island Ko Samui and the police were randomly searching groups of backpackers sitting on the beach…(The bars open out to the beach….) I had a bag full of mushrooms and very quiety left to go back to my bungalow leaving my partner who was up dancing about, he managed to figure it out where I had gone…I was absolutly kacking it.

                                  They were full on searching too… bags pockets, lifting up towels, emptying shoes….

                                  in reply to: Word Association Game… #1108608


                                    (not trying to offend any housewives… but it was the first word that i thought of…)

                                    in reply to: Air Duster…. #1218794
                                      Tank Girl wrote:
                                      spark wrote:
                                      Have you ever tried acupuncture?[/quote]

                                      yes, had acupuncture lots – even linked up to a tens machine
                                      (I actually am a practicing acupunturist at work – aricular / ear only though- there are points for all the body in the ear)
                                      but despite relieving my back pain it didnt seem to have any effect with the problems for my hands – but its lessend already and only had 3 chiro sessions so far :love: so am feeling really possitive

                                      Wow…. I dont need to convert you then!!! hehe…
                                      (But i seriously do think acupunture is tops!)

                                      Good luck with the hands!!!:bounce_fl

                                      in reply to: Air Duster…. #1160928
                                        Tank Girl wrote:
                                        spark wrote:
                                        Have you ever tried acupuncture?[/quote]

                                        yes, had acupuncture lots – even linked up to a tens machine
                                        (I actually am a practicing acupunturist at work – aricular / ear only though- there are points for all the body in the ear)
                                        but despite relieving my back pain it didnt seem to have any effect with the problems for my hands – but its lessend already and only had 3 chiro sessions so far :love: so am feeling really possitive

                                        Wow…. I dont need to convert you then!!! hehe…
                                        (But i seriously do think acupunture is tops!)

                                        Good luck with the hands!!!:bounce_fl

                                        in reply to: Word Association Game… #1108607


                                          in reply to: Air Duster…. #1160927
                                            Tank Girl wrote:
                                            I’m not against the NHS at all –
                                            but my one complaint about the problem I’ve been having with my hands is I find doctors can be very narrow minded and will not treat you holistically

                                            They decided I had carpel tunnel – I had x2 operations –
                                            hands still going numb and painful –
                                            but instead of looking where else it could be (I’e my back) they then told me it was my elbow
                                            I then didnt feel listened to as how can both hands go numb when the problem (from the doctors) is only in one elbow –
                                            They then said they wanted to opperate again ……..

                                            (I do think I had carpel tunnel as those symptoms have cleared up pretty much)

                                            calm down a minute

                                            I went to a chiropractor independantly –

                                            and I have a trapped nerve in my neck, one leg shorter than the other (which I am now being ripped about by all my mates … 😉 ) which is why my back is all twisted causing ppressure in my neck (god I’m really selling myself :laugh_at: )
                                            and will have to pay around £500 over the next few weeks / months (luckily I have savings)
                                            but if it saves not having to have another op / I’ll finally get a full nights sleep with out being woken up several times / less (no) pain …………. I’ll do anything……..

                                            sorry for my rant but this is year 5…..

                                            Have you ever tried acupuncture?I had a really bad back and shoulder… and at one point couldn’t even raise my arm above shoulder level.. had 3 months pysio.. nothing… had about 4 months of chiro and it would ease only right after treatment to be sore as hell again…

                                            last ditch effort when the pain became unbearable a few months later was acupuncture as I am terrified of needles… cant even look at when i get a blood test…

                                            OH MY GOD…. within a couple of treatments the pain had gone… I had mobility… I also had acupressure session at the same time.. The acupuncture was so relaxing I would usually fall asleep for the time they had to stay in… just could not help it… and a really really deep sleep also.. so much that could not drive immediately home I had to take a wee walk…

                                            Acupuncture will now always be my first port of call if I need fixing up. Took i think it was 6 sessions and it was like I had never been in pain!!!!

                                            in reply to: Air Duster…. #1218793
                                              Tank Girl wrote:
                                              I’m not against the NHS at all –
                                              but my one complaint about the problem I’ve been having with my hands is I find doctors can be very narrow minded and will not treat you holistically

                                              They decided I had carpel tunnel – I had x2 operations –
                                              hands still going numb and painful –
                                              but instead of looking where else it could be (I’e my back) they then told me it was my elbow
                                              I then didnt feel listened to as how can both hands go numb when the problem (from the doctors) is only in one elbow –
                                              They then said they wanted to opperate again ……..

                                              (I do think I had carpel tunnel as those symptoms have cleared up pretty much)

                                              calm down a minute

                                              I went to a chiropractor independantly –

                                              and I have a trapped nerve in my neck, one leg shorter than the other (which I am now being ripped about by all my mates … 😉 ) which is why my back is all twisted causing ppressure in my neck (god I’m really selling myself :laugh_at: )
                                              and will have to pay around £500 over the next few weeks / months (luckily I have savings)
                                              but if it saves not having to have another op / I’ll finally get a full nights sleep with out being woken up several times / less (no) pain …………. I’ll do anything……..

                                              sorry for my rant but this is year 5…..

                                              Have you ever tried acupuncture?I had a really bad back and shoulder… and at one point couldn’t even raise my arm above shoulder level.. had 3 months pysio.. nothing… had about 4 months of chiro and it would ease only right after treatment to be sore as hell again…

                                              last ditch effort when the pain became unbearable a few months later was acupuncture as I am terrified of needles… cant even look at when i get a blood test…

                                              OH MY GOD…. within a couple of treatments the pain had gone… I had mobility… I also had acupressure session at the same time.. The acupuncture was so relaxing I would usually fall asleep for the time they had to stay in… just could not help it… and a really really deep sleep also.. so much that could not drive immediately home I had to take a wee walk…

                                              Acupuncture will now always be my first port of call if I need fixing up. Took i think it was 6 sessions and it was like I had never been in pain!!!!

                                              in reply to: Word Association Game… #1108606


                                                in reply to: Air Duster…. #1160926

                                                  isnt that like frostbite?
                                                  Are you sure you shouldnt get it checked out… because if blood circulation isnt going to say your fingertips doesnt the flesh die?????

                                                  (have been watching a programe about mount everest lately…:-))

                                                  keep an eye on it mate!

                                                  in reply to: Air Duster…. #1218792

                                                    isnt that like frostbite?
                                                    Are you sure you shouldnt get it checked out… because if blood circulation isnt going to say your fingertips doesnt the flesh die?????

                                                    (have been watching a programe about mount everest lately…:-))

                                                    keep an eye on it mate!


                                                      Poor guy… I feel really sorry for his family who might never know what happened.


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